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  • Full services for Berlin visitors

  • Discover Berlin with Pibea Tours

  • Your portuguese incoming agency for Berlin

  • Your personal escort through Berlin

Berlin, the City of constant change

Berlin is a city in constant change, which renews itself while preserving the evidence of its almost 800 years old history. Hardly any other city in the world has experienced a more moving story in the last century.

The German capital is not only known for the huge range of art and culture with 170 museums and galleries, 150 theaters and a huge variety of music and art scene.
Berlin also has established a worldwide reputation as a city of fashion, design, sports, and a location media and research.

With 3.5 million inhabitants and 890 km², it is the largest city in Germany, more than 180 nations live in Berlin.

More facts about Berlin

Are you curious?

Then come to visit Berlin. Pibea-Tours provides you with all the interesting information and look forward to arranging your individual Berlin program.

Your hotline to Berlin!

Pibea Tours
Tel.: +49 (0)30 440 546 91
Mail: info@pibea-tours.de